Thursday, March 20, 2014

Temper Temper

I have one hell of a temper.  There are many days when I have to put myself in time out because I get all worked up and then I'm mean to everyone around me.  One of the big things I have to be sure to keep under control is not letting the little things get to me, but it often seems that I'm washed over by a wave of little things all at once and next thing I know it I'm screaming and flailing about in a rage.

Today was exhausting, just a very hard work day with no breaks.  I rented a high powered carpet extractor and spent the better part of  six hours treating my floors with an enzyme product to break down dog urine and then cleaning and rinsing my rugs.  I'm worn out.  I'm beat.

Then I realized that I HAVE to get the chicken feed out to the girls which got me in the back yard.  Next thing I know I'm neatening their coop and feeding them when I remembered I needed to take out the compost.  Out I go with the compost bin and I find that the compost heap has once again been scattered into the yard by the chickens and it's a big mess doing me no good.  I raked all the compost into the pile again and then grabbed some boards to place upright in the earth to form a bit of a border.  Then I stacked the rest of the boards next to the shed, neatened up the yard a bit, and headed back in to find... mouse to my laptop wasn't working.

This is an OLD laptop and the touch pad doesn't work so I have to have a mouse.  I changed the batteries, nope.  I went through and updated the driver, nope.  That's when I started to feel the rage filling me.  I wanted to throw things, cuss, and scream but just out of curiosity I checked the battery.  It was in wrong.

I'm going to call it a day and have a good laugh at myself.

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